Friday, November 20, 2009

My life in 10 points

Several things that currently define my existence.

1. I lost my diary and am surviving by ringing to double check any possible appointments, making notes in my phone and living by the calendar that has fallen underneath my fridge.

2. I am officially divorced as of last Saturday November the 14th. I received the official notice on Monday and wanted to stick it on my wall in celebration.

3. Theo neighbour is more than just a neighbour now. In case you didn't know.

4. Facebook is a remarkably effective, if not a harsh and impersonal way to notify people of such changes.

5. Theo neighbour is on nightshift and I am listening to Guns N Roses as I become more hyperactive and reminisce about when I was a teenager and thought Gunners were so cool. I have an urge to bake.

6. I am glad that the cool change came in this afternoon and so now I am able to do the dishes without suffering heat exhaustion and possibly now not all my plants will die.

7. There is a mountain of grass on a rug in my lounge. It belongs to my rabbit.

8. There are few things like a bad disaster movie to make you cheer up.

9. I am trying to reduce my book collection by an entire bookcase in order to declutter my life.

10. I currently weigh more than I ever have in my life and almost every person I meet tells me how well I am looking. No exaggeration. It's a funny situation to be in.


  1. It's so true - you do look heaps heaps more well.
    I love end-of-the-world movies these days.

  2. um, update please. Remember I now officially have no friends so I'd like to hear about your life this week!TOR

  3. wow, catching up here. You sound happy, I can almost hear the smile as I read. That little piece of paper feels good when it's all finally over, I remember the day I got mine. I cried, but was smiling through the tears. Kind of bittersweet relief. P.Rae
