Monday, March 9, 2009

If I could figure out what to do with my left hand, I'm sure I'd be fine...

I've been trying to learn to crochet for some time. Nobody actually seems to know how to, lots of people's nanna's apparently do (although neither of mine seem up to it). All I want to do is to get from here:

To here:

Well, enthusiasm should count for something. After numerous attempts at following internet instructions and vintage magazines bought home from the op-shop with 70's illustrations (if anyone needs a swimsuit, I have instructions here), I finally had an eureka moment and realised that it was just like the finger-knitting that we used to do in primary school, just with a crochet needle. Well, sort of. (And finger-knitting only gets you so far....)

Then I also discovered crochet on youtube. Wow! (Why didn't I think of that before?) Now I think I know how to at least do basic stitches, but I am sticking my hands in the wrong spots apparently and I can't make the thread do what it's meant to do at the same time as the needle. Maybe my hands aren't normal, are defective in some crochet-wool-handling way. That's the only conclusion I can come to. Well, if I have to crochet dementedly, so be it.

I am very inspired by this blog

and draw comforting crochet mentoring guidance via this blog.

Now to see how far I can get.....

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny, and you write SO well. love the crochet in your display. Happy learning.
