My late grandma apparently either liked crocheted and special coathangers also. (I also think she probably just thought they were more practical for looking after your clothes). Well, for whatever reason, she obviously had been collecting them from op-shops and wherever and in a roundabout way, I 'inherited' them when she died. It is a varied collection which I shall enjoy arranging in my wardrobes.

Now, this is a very special collection next, which I sort of 'inherited' and by proxy at that. This nanna is not really mine, and has only moved on in the physical, not metaphysical, very final sense.
It is a treasured store of crochet cotton, all different weights and colours, with a few crochet hooks in the mix. There is even an unfinished crochet-edged handkerchief. Do I dare to attempt to finish it? It would be an honour of sorts to finish it, but I think I need to improve my crochet skills first :).

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